Air Regulators for air industrial pressure regulating applications

Air Regulators

Air regulators are air pressure regulators which help in regulating pressure in industrial air preparation applications. Air regulators ensure that the system is operating more economically and efficiently by making sure the desired amount of pressurized air is present in the system. They also maintain the quality of the equipment as there are higher chances of damage happening to the equipment when there is higher air pressure in the system than the recommended amount. This can highly impact the equipment life. Air regulators also promote safety as the system runs at a reduced pressure.

When choosing air regulators for your industrial operations, it is crucial to take several criteria into consideration to ensure that the regulator chosen is the appropriate one for the job.

Desired Regulated Pressure Range

The desired pressure range for the system needs to be considered for the choice of air regulators. There is a maximum supply pressure for all air regulators. The desired regulated pressure range helps in determining the spring range for output pressure. When the output pressure is in the middle of the spring range, it helps in obtaining the best results. Thus, having knowledge of normal supply pressure and regulated pressure, is an essential selection criterion for air regulators.

Port Sizes

If you are choosing air regulators for an existing system, it is important to know the accurate thread size as we will be replacing an existing valve. However, for the new projects there are different port sizes available.

Flow Volume Requirement

The air flow capacity for the system needs to be determined as performance characteristics have the tendency to change when the flow reaches maximum capacity. The accuracy, droop and sensitivity of air regulators can be highly affected by the flow. Thus, it is important to know the flow volume requirements.

Environmental Requirement

The environmental requirement i.e. the surrounding where the air regulator would be placed in, is also an important factor in choosing an air regulator. Would it be a part of hazardous environment or exposed to corrosive materials such as salt water and bleach, it is important to know about that.

Pressure Changes Scale

The scale at which the pressure changes helps to determine the appropriate air regulator required for a specific application. Applications which require small scale pressure change with repetitive and accurate adjustments, a precision regulator is best suited than a general-purpose one, which is better for large scale pressure change that requires lower accuracy.

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